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Triple Grid for Individual Energy Fields

As we travel through life, not only do our bodies & clothes pick up physical dirt, our auras pick up psychic dirt or negative energy. This technique is a great one to do daily or weekly to clear out energetically. Find a quiet time & place, put on some soft meditation music, burn some incense, relax and clear.

"Legions of Michael: please place a grid level one, spherical, around, above, below & through my energy fields. Grace Elohim: please place a grid level two, spherical, around, above, below & through my energy fields. Circle Security: please place a grid level three, spherical, around, above, below & through my energy fields.

"Grace Elohim: please fill your grid with your energies, releasing astral entities, adverse electromagnetic frequencies, fear, disharmony, anger, adverse astrological influences, expectation, frustration, viruses, fungi, bacteria, worry, astral distortions, miscommunication, sadness, enemy patterning, scarcity, loneliness, karmic monads, (add whatever needs to be released specific to your situation) and anything that distorts the spiritual signature or clear communication with Spirit. Release anything that hasn't been mentioned in this or any other language, but which you know needs to leave my fields at this time. Spirit: I ask you to release all energies, entities, thoughtforms, emotions, cellular memory, orientations, pictures of reality, devices, intrusions and effects in my body and fields that are not of my core Divine essence, NOW!"

When the clearing feels complete, "Thank you."

"Legions of Michael, please infuse your grid with the energies of Grace, Purity, Faith, Hope, Peace, Liberty, Harmony, and Victory Elohim. Infuse with love, intimacy, the Unified Chakra, centeredness, clarity, full connection with Spirit, tolerance, clear communication, health, wealth, following Spirit without hesitation, mastery, sovereignty, living Heaven, (add whatever needs to be added specific to your situation) and anything else that hasn't been mentioned in this or any other language, but which you know needs to be in my fields at this time. Please seal your grid. Thank you."

"Circle Security, realign your grid to harmonize with upper-dimensional gridworks. Release all distortions and parasites on the grids. Infuse frequencies for clearer communication with Spirit. Seal grid. Thank you."

The Triple Grid, Individual Field Version, is a good one to use when you're outside, when you're travelling between gridded spaces, or anytime you feel you need to get clearer. It can be infused into a crystal and worn around your neck or on your person; when you feel like renewing the Grid, just request the deva of the crystal to "Renew Individual Grid." You might need to do a full version once a week; otherwise, renewing it one or more times a day can be done as outlined above and is still effective.

Re-posted from

From the book What Is Lightbody? and “Tools for Living Heaven” tape set

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