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Writer's pictureLoving Rose Psychic

Host a Visit from the Archangels

Updated: May 30, 2021

I've gotten some feedback from folks saying that they have to wait until they have the time to do all of this. You don't have to do everything that's listed here. This process can be as simple as writing your intentions (wishes) -- one for the Earth, one for a family member (or friend, client, pet), & one for yourself. Place that on your altar, along with the white flowers. Light your candle. Open your door & invite the angels in. The flowers can be one branch of baby's breath. For the food, I've used a small container of almonds. And, I've also not placed food on the altar. The altar can be as simple as a corner of your dresser. Do what works best for you.

If you want some help to simplify this for your life, please feel free to contact me at 618-236-5883.


I've been fostering a cat for a local rescue group. Merlin came to me in October 2020 with many issues -- highly reactive, angry, PTSD, depressed. I've been trying different supplements to see what works (kelp, CBD) & doing distance Reiki with him, all of which have helped take the 'edge' off him. I've been wanting to get him to a friend of mine, D, who does energy healing. For several weeks, I had been putting healing for Merlin on the list as the "family member". Finally, one Wednesday, I had made an appointment to take two cats to see D. When I woke up & all morning, there was the most beautifully calm spiritual energy in the house. Merlin was so mellow & laid back that I decided to scoop him up & take him to see D along with my female cat, Noni. When we took Merlin out of the carrier, he was very combative, so we decided to put him back in the carrier. J was able to work on Merlin through the mesh. For the next couple days, Merlin was very peaceful & acting more like a normal cat. The next week, on the day of our appointment, I could feel energy pouring into my house from "above". Again, I scooped up Merlin & took him to see D. More energy & some trauma were released. D said Merlin has trust issues, which I completely understand after all he's been through. I KNOW that the energy I was feeling was the Archangels working on Merlin.


Inspired by the movie “Pay It Forward”, this lovely ritual of welcoming five Archangels into your home for a five-day visit may have originated in New York in 2010 by a German, New York-based medium named Irmi. After seeing the movie, she received Divine Guidance and created this ritual. If you believe in & love angels, you will treasure this experience!

Who are the Archangels?

Archangel Michael - The Master and Protector of the Light; Male Archetype; Physical and Emotional Strength and Protection; Trailblazer

Archangel Raphael - The Divine Healer; Guardian Angel Archetype; Physical and Emotional Health

Archangel Gabriel - The Master Angel of Mercy and Compassion; Female Archetype; Care and Protection of Family, Home, and Pets

Archangel Uriel - The Angel of Creativity; Assists in Creating Success in a Spiritual Way; Detachment from Results

Archangel Metatron - The Chancellor of Heaven; the Prince of Ministering Angels; Assists on the Path to Enlightenment

Archangel Ariel – Archangel of Mother Earth. Recognize Divine Source within Nature & all living things; Law of Attraction, manifesting, co-creating; bridging Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Matter, Father God and Mother Nature, Yin and Yang.

Messages from the Archangels

Gabriel – “My task is to guide you to fulfill your hopes and dreams, deal with your karmic issues and progress on the path towards harmony with all. This requires a balance between the active side of you and the passive side of you. I am the spiritual awakener who visits you in your dreams, bringing you fresh hope, intuition and new aspirations.”

Raphael – “I come on a pure spiral that flows from Father Sun to manifest all life on Mother Earth. It is the glorious energy ray whose nurturing warmth brings you joy of living, banishes darkness and enlightens your life and future. I aid you in making decisions, using logic and analytical skills, and taking action accordingly.”

Michael – “As lord of light and ruler of Mercury, my primary gift to you is communication and truth. I strengthen and protect you My Light dispels all darkness and falsehood from your life. My golden sword lights your way to truth, wisdom and freedom.”

Uriel – “Many and mysterious are the ways I manifest on Mother Earth. I bring fire and alchemy through the cleansing fires of purification. All old programming can be burnt away and all blocks within rendered down to ash. My energy empowers you, securing the foundation on which to build your new self. Collectively, my alchemy flames bring infinite possibility.”

Metatron – “I am the guardian of the Tree of Life. Both the base and the summit are your points of connection to the Creator and All Life. I guide you toward the sanctuary of the pure white dove of peace. Let your spirituality gradually become supremely important, for as you reach the crown, you grasp the secret wisdom of All. My twin angel, Shekinah helps you to secure your foundation in the earthly kingdom. As you reconnect with All Life through sacred geometry, you will send and receive Love and Light, magnifying it within your heart for the benefit of All Life.”

Ariel – “I help those who call upon me to recognize the sacred spark within Nature and all living things and beings. As an angel associated with Metaphysics and Manifestation, I can help you understand how to use the Law of Attraction, not simply as a tool to use for personal gain but for the advancement of all life. Look to me if you wish to awaken to a collective level of consciousness and manifestation, or for how to manifest peace, love and balance within your greater world. For, I can teach those who call upon me how to more purposefully create a bridge between Heaven and Earth; Spirit and Matter; Father God and Mother Nature; Yin and Yang. I often work as a companion angel to Archangel Raphael; the Archangel governing Healing.”


Determine date and time of arrival and departure. This is a 7-day visit, at the end of which you will send them on to three other people. (Don’t worry if you can’t find three people or anyone to send them to. When you release them, ask them to go where they are needed most.) The time you select should be a time when you can greet them at the door when they arrive and can bid them farewell after the seventh day. We normally send the angels on at 10:30 pm Central time at which time you would welcome them to your home. The time (10:30 p.m.) stays the same, no matter the time difference. It is always the local time. The day is 24 hours long.

Select the area and table to be used for the altar. A small table in a quiet spot of your home is best, as you may want to sit in meditation near this spot.

Select the flower/plant, candle(s), statue(s) and type of fruit / food. A white flower is typically used; however, any color will work, as well as a small plant with color. The candle should be white (7-day candle in glass; pillar); also, you may want to have a battery operated candle available, as you may not want to burn a candle while you are out or sleeping. (The 7-day candle in glass is generally safe. You can set it in a dish of water to avoid excess heat on your table when it burns down toward the end.) The fruit is normally an apple or orange. You could also use other types of food – nuts, grains, etc. It should be something that is safe to leave out for 7 days, as you will be eating the food after the angels leave. Feel free to add other decorations – angel statues or pictures, crystals, shells, etc.

Prepare a Welcome Prayer, Departure Prayer, and 3 Wishes (one wish each for Mother Earth, Family, and Self). The prayers can be as simple or elaborate as your heart dictates. Simply welcome them and express your love and appreciation for all they do.

Inquire among family and friends for the next Hosting; provide information and schedule to those interested.

Before Arrival

Check in with the next Host to confirm date, time, and process.

Set up the altar with the plant/flowers, fruit, and other decorations you desire. Light candle prior to the scheduled arrival. Write out the names & addresses of the next Hosts. Fold it up & set it under the candle. Place the piece of paper with the wishes in an envelope & place it on the altar.

Day of Arrival

Welcome the Archangels at the predetermined time by opening the door through which they will enter and depart. Greet them with the Welcome Prayer. Sit in meditation by the altar (recommended).

During the Visit

Listen! Love! Laugh! Learn! Journal! Meditate! Pray! Dance! Sing! Create! Whatever you feel drawn to doing.

Day of Departure

Prior to departure, safely burn the paper and place the ashes outside.

At time of departure, say the Departure Prayer as you open the door. Tell the angels the names & addresses of their next visit

Once they leave, safely burn your wishes and place the ashes outside.

If appropriate, eat the fruit/food from the altar.

If appropriate, set the flower/plant outside to recycle naturally.


There is no "wrong" if alternatives are needed to the guidelines; how could anything about this beautiful honoring of the Angels and your willingness to do so be wrong? It's all good! Don't have three additional people to Host? No worries; it will all work out! Express your willingness to participate, and then do it!

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